Last Monday we celebrated our sweet baby boy's 4th birthday!! I can't hardly believe that its gone by this fast. We actually were in Waco, TX on his birthday for the Heartland Finals on the 15th but trust me, he didn't let it slip by anyone that it was his Birthday. He would walk up to a complete stranger and tell them "hey I'm 4 years old today" or he'd say "it's okay mom, I can do that now becuase I'm 4". I'm not real sure who he gets that from. Hunter and I also took him to Chuck-E-Cheese and we had a blast. That kid is the king of arcade games. After all the fun we had there, we took H to see Secertariet. It was pretty great too. After the movie we headed for the trailer to wait on Al and Sam who were coming from school to hang out for a bit and watch Hunter rope. It turned out to be a pretty good night becuase Hunter won the round and the announcers told everyone it was Houston's birthday during the rodeo!! H was eating the attention up!!!! Hunter roped again the next night and ended up winning second for the whole rodeo. As much as we would have liked to win first it was such a blessing to be there and win what we did. As most of you probably know by now Hunter didn't qualify for the National Finals this year and it's been a small struggle accepting that. It's getting better becuase you can't win eveything and when we look back at the whole year it just wasn't one of our best. But Hunter has been in the practice pen about everyday and they better look out in 2011 becuase were not missing out again!!

Pinata time!!
H was pretty good!
After all the kids went the string that held it up busted so H just beat it until everything came out
Cake time...H wanted a deer, bear, snake, and elk on his cake but all he got was an amazing 10 point buck which he pointed out to everyone!
Make a wish
Haha Aunt Heather's worst nightmare. She hates for the cake to be cut uneven. I'm not real sure why she takes on this job at Houston's birthday becuase of course he wanted the bucks head right out of the center. maybe we'll break her from her cake ocd
In the back left is Walker and Toby, then Brooklyn, Bailey, H, Cooper, Cullen, Tucker and Tyler
Birthday Boys!!! It was also my dad and Bob's birthday on Houston's party day (18)
Me and Hunter after the party
Other than enjoying home these last few weeks, not much has happened. Hunter roped at Kansas City this weekend and is winning first in the second round with a 7.5 but it won't officialy be over until next weekend. Then next weekend we will travel to Park City, Kansas for our Prarie Circut Finals. Hunter is currently in the lead in those standings and should win that since he's so far ahead of everyone. The year end winner and average winner from the circut qualify for the Dodge National Circut Finals that has re-located to OKC in March. That's exciting since it'll be so close to home!!