Hello again....Im thinkin it's about time for a new update. Hope everyone had a great Holiday season...Ours came and went way to fast. It was a short and sweet break, as lots has been going on since..I am now officaly a College Student (again)!! I started last Monday and let me tell you, I'm pretty sure my brian shut the learning section off about 3 years ago and it's having a hard time fireing back up. I am happy to report though, I'm not the oldest person in class, there's a couple of men and women that have about 20-30 years on me. They tend to do alot of the question asking, so that lets me off the hook!!! I'm sure most of you are probably wondering what brought this on and what I'm planning to do with the rest of my life...I was planning to go back to school when H started Kindergarten, but I got a little nudge from Hunter. He said he didn't want me to wait to long and be like 28 before I went back. (H will be starting school in 2 years and I just turned 23, so I won't quite be 28 yet) But I've decided its probably a good thing I get the ball rolling, because the way my brain is working these days I might be on the 6 year track instead of 3. Just Kidding!! :) So now on to what I plan to do, as of right now I am finishing my generals and then plan to sign up for the OU Nursing program. My Aunt is an Amazing teacher there so I'm hoping maybe I can pull some strings and become a Nurse! Now don't write this down in stone or anything, because I've been known to change my mind in the past. Anyway, during the day while I'm at school, H and Hunter have been doing all sorts of cool guy stuff. That's what H tells me! They've been roping quite a bit and soing some house-work (aka...it looks like a bomb just went off in here) But I think they're having fun. H is planning to hit the road with Hunter a little in the next few months. Nothing to long of course. Wednesday they'll be heading down to Ft. Worth, I'll be sure to let you guys know how that one goes. Anyway on a sadder note, I was recently forced to part ways with part of my family....Our horse Cajun has been sold. Hunter told me not ever to get to close with the horses because it's just part of the business. But this horse was like a kid, he ate treats off H's head and loved all over us. Not to mention I've seen him almost die about 3 times and had to nurse him back. It was pretty hard but I'm hoping the people we sold him to, are going to love him as much as we did, at least that's what I'm telling myself. I did make Hunter meet one request before he went and that was we had to take family pictures with him. I'll always remember him and there'll never be another horse quite as good.