The new year has gotten off to a pretty good start. Hunter started things off at Odessa and Denver. He didn't do any good at Odessa but won 4th in a round at Denver, won the short round and won 5th in the Average. Not a bad way to crack things off. After Denver he headed to Ft. Worth and things there weren't so great! He missed both calves and continued his losing streak at that rodeo. After roping his second one there I dropped him off at the airport and he flew to Rapid City South Dakota. He split 4th and 5th in a round and won the Average there. After Rapid we were home for a bit. We got to enjoy this amazing Oklahoma weather and the Blizzard of 2011. The morning it hit my dad was stuck at work and wasn't going to drive home but one of his friends at the firestation had to go home and un-freeze some pipes for his family so he said he would give dad a ride home. They made it about a mile from my parents and got stuck in the big drifts. My dad got his buddy pushed out and decided he'd just walk on home. Why on earth he thought that was the best idea I don't know. The wind was blowing so hard and it was so cold that by the time he made it home his eyes were almost frozen shut. CRAZY!! The whole day it was impossible to go outside un-covered or you were liable to wind up a popcicle. The next day we got the bright idea to go sledding. The wind was still blowing 185 but we were going to do it anyway. We made it about a 1/2 mile from my parents and got stuck in a huge drift. We had no choice but to pack up and treck to my parents. It was like straight off the discovery channel. Leave your vehicle to find shelter or stay and freeze....except we weren't quite stranded in the middle of nowhere. And we could see exactly where we were going. But still. Hunter called Bob up because he has a truck we knew could pull us out and they headed over. In the meantime we played in the snow until the road plows finally came by. It was a pretty exciting week since we don't hardly ever see that much snow. It wasn't long and we were off again to San Angelo, Texas. Hunter was really long on his first calf but ended up splitting 5/6/7/8th on his second one. Good enough to make the progressive round and get another one. While we were there we stayed with our good friends Haley and Jerome Schneeburger and their 3 boys. Needless to say it was pretty much a madhouse. But they had lots of fun. After Hunter's second calf we decided to go pick up our horse just in case we needed him in San Antonio. Bob and Jamie met us in Mineral Wells and that gave us a good enough excuse to stay at my sister and her best friends house in Stephenville for a couple of days. I think Houston would rather move in with them full time. He kind of likes college life... ALOT. Their fridge was stocked with sunny d's and all the lunchables he could eat. And there is an abundant amount of attention all for him. However, we had to pry him away so we could get to the perf in San Antonio. Hunter roped four times in three days and won a 2nd and 3rd. It gave him enough money to advance to the semi-finals later on in the week. While we were there we got to take H to the carnival, which of course he loved. His favorite thing was the bungee jump and the games. He is just like his dad and has to try and win at everything. Most kids his age like to pick the rubber duckies and stuff...but not him. We had to find the most challenging games they had and win them. After all that excitement we finally headed back home and stayed for a few days. But in cowboy fashion we were gone again. Hunter roped Thursday in San Antonio for the semi-finals. They take the top 5 money winners out of both semi sets back and advance to the finals. Unfortunately Hunter missed and failed to make the finals. He didn't have a whole lot of time to dwell because he was up the next day in San Angelo for his 3rd calf. Houston and I stayed in San Antonio because my sister was playing ball on Friday and Saturday. Hunter was a quick 7.8 Friday night which is splitting the round right now. It won't be over for awhile so hopefully it holds up. After roping there he caught a ride with Clay Cerny to Tucson, Arizona. Houston and I pulled the trailer home last night and Hunter roped earlier today. He was 9 something and winning the round but it's not over until tomorrow and then he'll rope his second calf tuesday. Hopefully he does good again and makes the progressive and then the short round. While he's there Houston and I are going to hold the fort down here at home and probably meet him in Houston in a week or two. Today was also a success for me, as I joined a basketball league and we won our first two games today. I haven't played since high school which was almost 6 years ago so it was fun to get back out there. I kind of have a feeling I may not be able to walk tomorrow though. Anyway that's what we've been up to the last month or so. Hope it keeps going good!! God Bless  |