Tuesday, August 18, 2009

On the road AGAIN!!

It was soo nice to be home for 2 weeks but we’re on the road again. Houston and I left Saturday afternoon and picked Hunter up at the airport and then headed to Caddo and Christy’s house to drop off a horse and stay the night. It was good to see them and catch up on everything. Were pretty excited because as soon as we get home from this trip we are off to Tulsa for their wedding, Hunter, Houston and I are all in it!! Anyway Sunday morning we got up and headed out early since we had 1500 miles to drive in a day and a half. We drove 17 hours and stayed at Evanston, WY, when we got out of the truck it was a little chillier than what we’ve been used to. I think it was about 48 when we got in bed and 38 when we got up. The next day we only had to drive 6 hours over here to Caldwell, ID which wasn’t too bad compared to Sunday. Houston was a wild man the whole time and kept asking when we were taking him back home. He was mad that we had to leave but it didn’t last long. As we pulled into the arena here, we parked right next to Riley and her family. For those of you that don’t know, Riley is Houston’s girlfriend and best friend. These two are inseparable. They’ve been all over the place the last two days. Houston got to bring his monster truck this trip and so he’s been driving Riley around everywhere.
The roping end of things has been good so far too, Hunter roped yesterday and was 8.5. He ropes here again Friday and hopefully has another good run and makes the short round. Anyway we are off to watch the rodeo tonight so until next time….
Love, Hunter Ashley and H….We miss you guys at home already!!

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