Saturday, November 28, 2009

Headed West for Bright Lights and Gold Buckles

Well, it’s finally here. Hunter and I are headed to Vegas. It’s been a busy week with packing, Thanksgiving and one last roping to polish up. We pulled out this morning about 9 a.m. after dropping Houston and our dogs off at my parents. He will fly out with my Mom and Grammy on Wednesday. He’s usually a pretty good rider, but 18 hours is hard on anyone, so it makes our drive a little bit easier. Houston was pretty eager to leave this morning; he has lots planned while we’re gone. He was especially excited to see my Mom and Dad’s brand new mini aussi puppies. Smokey had them the day before Thanksgiving. I’m sure they’ll get plenty of loving for the next few days. Anyway I Hope to keep this updated with everything that’s going on in Vegas. The Rodeo will be live on TV every night but the last so be sure to tune in. Hopefully this is his year!! Hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving!! I know that I have a lot to be thankful for. God is Good!! Love you all
Hunter and Ash

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Excuse me Sir...Did you just say Surgery????

Hunter had surgery on his nose and sinus' last Wednesday. I know most of you were in the dark and surprised but it was kind of a last minute decision, as we are only weeks away from the NFR in Vegas. It was a tough decision for us to make but Hunter had been pretty miserable. It started out as a sinus infection right before our Circut Finals in Kansas City, MO and it got so bad up there that we had to go to an Urgent Care clinic. They took X-Rays and thought we should see a specialist as soon as we got home. We were a little worried but really thought the medicine the Dr. gave us would clear it up and we'd be on our way. Not so much...Hunter got right in to the Ear, Nose and Throat place and they examined the X-Rays and gave Hunter a different medicine and said his sinus cavity was fully clogged. One of the worst cases they'd ever seen. They wanted to see us back in a week and thought the medicine would help but if not they reccomended surgery. Well, the big day came and we were really hoping things would have loosened up and it wouldn't require surgery, but that wasn't the case. We knew Hunter had to do something because he couldn't go to Vegas feeling the way he did at KC, and they told us the sooner the better as recovery time is 4-6 weeks. They set the date for this last Wednesday! We got there and reminded the Docter that we only had 4 weeks max to work with and Hunter needed to be in prime shape for the Finals. He assured us he would only do what was neccessary and leave the rest for a later date. Turns out Hunter's divider cartilege was bent over completely blocking his left nasal. When they got it straight, the pus and infection came rolling out. The Doctor said it was really bad and a good thing we went ahead with the surgery. So here we are, setting at the home flushing Hunter's nose out every hour. He also has to wear this drip pad in case he gets a nose bleed. He was on full bed rest for 2 days and is now able to move around a bit but can't go anywhere or do anything. He's definitly getting very restless. Yesterday my Aunt Heather came to pick H up to stay the night, and we noticed a spider in H's room. Seeming as how I'm scared of spiders I hollared at Hunter to come kill the thing. It was hanging down from his web in mid air. Hunter found the perfect wacking stick but failed to connect the first 5 times....then he finally hit it, and it flung right thru the air at Aunt Heather. We all started screaming and jumping around. But it missed all of us and landed in the floor. The excitement was just to much for Hunter though, his nose started gushing and it took us awhile to get it stopped. Guess now we know he's not ready for that kind of action yet!! Anyway thank you all for the prayers and calls and pizza!!! Keep them coming our way though please. We really need this to be healed in exactly 3 weeks. God is Good!! love you guys!
Houston and Hunter posing with their nose diapers...or snot catchers as H likes to call it!!

Hunter has to stay on the couch so he doesn't get nose bleeds...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

NFR T-Shirts 2009

It's that time of year guys!!!! I need all orders and money by NOV. 16. Either email me or my mom or just give one of us a call. Eric Day designed the shirts and here are the prices.

short sleeved t-shirts
sizes youth m - xl $10.00
2xl add 1.00
3xl add 2.00
4xl add 3.00

short sleeved junior fit t-shirts
sizes youth m - xl $13.00
2xl add 1.00
3xl add 2.00
4xl add 3.00

short sleeved misses fit t-shirts
sizes youth m - xl $13.00
2xl add 1.00
3xl add 2.00
4xl add 3.00

long sleeved t-shirts
sizes youth m - xl $15.00
2xl add 1.00
3xl add 2.00
4xl add 3.00

crewneck sweatshirt
sizes youth m - xl $20.00
2xl add 2.00
3xl add 4.00
4xl add 6.00

sizes youth m - xl $25.00
2xl add 2.00
3xl add 4.00
4xl add 6.00

zip up front hoodie
sizes youth m - xl $37.00
2xl add 2.00
3xl add 4.00
4xl add 6.00