Saturday, November 28, 2009

Headed West for Bright Lights and Gold Buckles

Well, it’s finally here. Hunter and I are headed to Vegas. It’s been a busy week with packing, Thanksgiving and one last roping to polish up. We pulled out this morning about 9 a.m. after dropping Houston and our dogs off at my parents. He will fly out with my Mom and Grammy on Wednesday. He’s usually a pretty good rider, but 18 hours is hard on anyone, so it makes our drive a little bit easier. Houston was pretty eager to leave this morning; he has lots planned while we’re gone. He was especially excited to see my Mom and Dad’s brand new mini aussi puppies. Smokey had them the day before Thanksgiving. I’m sure they’ll get plenty of loving for the next few days. Anyway I Hope to keep this updated with everything that’s going on in Vegas. The Rodeo will be live on TV every night but the last so be sure to tune in. Hopefully this is his year!! Hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving!! I know that I have a lot to be thankful for. God is Good!! Love you all
Hunter and Ash

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