So cute, ready to go!!
A nice shoe shine
Houston getiing a massage today, he said he needed to get right before he ropes tonight
Hunter waving to us on his way out
Grand Entry, Cowboys tipping their hats to the crowd
Some of the fan club holding up our signs. H kept hitting the people in front of us with his flag so we had to take it away.
Hey Guys, we are having lots of fun out here in Vegas and wishing everyone could be here with us! Hunter didn't place last night but it wasn't to bad overall. Trevor went out of the average which is good for us, but with 9 rounds left anything can happen. Houston was tired by the time the rodeo started, he fell asleep during the bull doggin and missed his daddy roping, so im in the process of getting him down for a nap as we speak. It's not going so great at the moment haha!! Anyway tomorrow Hunter is competing in the Celebrity Bowling Tournament for Charity so I'll post lots more pics then. Hopefully Hunter wins the round tonight so i can post Southpoint Pics :)
Until then, we love and miss yall!!!
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