Well we didn't win the DNCFR but Hunter came really close and it turned out to be a great weekend anyway! Thursday Hunter was one of the first ropers and his calf kicked and he was 11.7. There were performances Friday night to end the first round and then 2 more performances on Saturday to start and finish the second round. By Saturday night enough guys had went that we knew Hunter needed to be 8.6 or faster to qualify for the semi-finals on Sunday where they took the top 8 back. 8.6 doesn't sound that fast but 8's were winning the round. He was last roper and was 8.1. Good enough to win the round and to make it back in last hole to the semi-finals on Sunday. We were so thankful and way excited to be roping on Sunday afternoon. Sunday morning we attended Cowboy Church with Susie McIntire and then had lunch at Braum's. It was finally rodeo time. During the Prayer and National Anthem we almost had a severe emergency!! Houston somehow managed to slip his arm in the crease of the seat and couldn't get it out. It wasn't that bad at first but then I couldn't get it out either and he started to panick. It was pitch black in there and I yelled at Jamie to help me. Everytime we lifted the seat a little it just pinched his arm even harder. This whole time Houston was screaming like someone was trying to cut his arm off and I'm sure it felt that way to him. We were starting to draw in a pretty big crowd of people trying to help. The man above Houston was trying to work his arm out and we were trying to slide his body where he could move it better. Then a lady came from nowhere and insisted if we would just lift the seat his arm would come right out. I guess in the 5 minutes he was stuck she didn't think we had tried that. FINALLY his arm came out just as I was ready to go find someone who could save my poor baby! It was swollen and already bruised. He has recovered fully though. During the semi-finals the top 8 guys rope in a sudden death and then the top 4 advance to the finals. Hunter was first roper and came out and set the arena record with a 7.2!!!! He won that round and moved on to the final 4. The final 4 ropers competing for the round money and the Dodge Truck voucher were Tyson Durfey, J.D. Kibbe, Ryan Jarrett and Hunter. Tyson came out first and tied Hunter's record with a 7.2. Kibbe was next and was 9.5. RJ came out and missed. And then came Hunter...He had his calf roped fast, bobbled his tie a little and threw his hands up in 7.3 seconds, BUT he missed his huey and went back to the tie which you can't do after your hands have already left the calf and they flagged him out. That's how it all ended! But as bad as it stunk not winning the whole thing we were so fortuante to have won what we did. 10,000 is not a bad weekend any way you look at it. So, we live to see another day!!! Thank you to everyone who came out and supported Hunter all weekend. It was good to see family and friends that we haven't got to see in awhile. This week Hunter will be flying out on Thursday to rope at Logandale,NV and Pocatello,ID. and then will be back late Sunday. Houston has his first T-ball game Saturday at Cyril at 9:00 and 10:30. He is so excited to play and pretty funny to watch. You can tell he's been at the ball park a few times because he'll yell..Mom, "watch me drop bombs". Which translates to hit a home run! I have Alex Orf and Sam Swanda to thank for that one. That's what they always say. A few weekends ago we went to Stephenville to watch Al and Sam play and H got to shag balls for the team. He decided he did enough shagging and wanted me to pitch balls to him. He made Grandma and Grandpa and Dayne and Nina Swanda be his shaggers this time. We noticed everytime he got ready to hit he would draw something in the dirt. We didn't really know what he was doing but went with it. We finally found out what he had been drawing. One of Al's friends named Katie, who always plays with Houston, draws a cross everytime she gets in the on deck circle and when she's up to bat. Sure enough that was what he was drawing too. Just shows you how much they listen and watch all the time!!
Anyway God Bless, see you guys down the road!!!
a little of call dude
13 years ago
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