Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Let the countdown begin

37 More DAYS until the NFR. Hope you guys are ready because I know we are. Make sure to get your shirt orders in by Sunday if you want to look cool in a Hunter Herrin shirt. We've had alot going on lately. Houston is still liking school and he lost his first tooth!!! I must say he looks even more onery now than he did before. And he's excited to wear his Superman costime to school on Firday for Halloween. School is going good for me as well. I'm really liking alot of the things I thought I wouldn't so I'd say that's a plus haha. Hunter has been to a few rodeos here and there and just left yesterday for the first tour rodeo of 2012 in Kansas City! It never ends! I haven't heard yet how it went but hopefully he'll start the new year off with a bang. This weekend we have our Circuit Finals in Weatherford, OK. He ropes Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon. Hope to see some of you guys there. Another big milestone has came and went. Houston turned FIVE YEARS OLD!! I cannot believe my baby is this old and big. Seems like it was just yesterday we were bringing him home. He had a superhero birthday party and had tons of fun! Before I know it I'll be carpooling him around to high school games and rodeos! So that's what we've been up to lately, alot of school and not enough fun!!!

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