Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 5

Well here we are...Day 5!! We are still looking for a first place finish but I have no doubt it's coming. In the meantime though we will keep taking what we can get! Hunter placed 4th last night and has two 6th place finishes. The first night wasn't how we wanted to start things off but I'm hoping we got all that out of the way and now we are ready to rock and roll!!! It's been a busy first weekend which is why you are just now hearing from me. And also I won't be able to upload any pictures until we get home, for some reason our service is back and forth between terrible and even worse. We'll just have to make do until then. Today Hunter is over at the arena for the EXCEPTIONAL Rodeo for all kinds of different kids. It's an amazing event and I'm so proud that Hunter participates in it. It will truely melt your heart seeing what it means to the kids. If you ever have the chance go watch or help volunteer, please do. You may change a life!! After that, he is signing autographs which he does pretty much everyday. Yesterday we went to Elevation Sunday, it was amazing. Dr James Dobson was the speaker and Clay Walker sang. Pretty awesome. The atmosphere is pretty electric and it's just cool to see how many people turn out to Praise God in town that's so busy!! Hopefully tonight we will be headed to the SouthPoint for the buckle presentation, make sure you tune into GAC to watch Hunter in Round 5!!!! God Bless yall

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