Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I'm back!!

Well Hello...It's been so long since I've had the time to get on here. School is winding down for me and I will get to graduate Thursday. I won't officially be completely through until August-ish! But I am so happy to where I am. It's been a rough year, full of alot of early mornings and long days, but I absolutly love what I'm doing. Houston and I haven't got to go on the road very much and it's been hard on us all. This is the first time in 5 years we haven't already been gone. This heat is about to croak us haha!! So ALOT has happened this past year, Houston finished his first year of school and loved it. He learned quite a bit and is ready to go back next year and be a kindergartener. He is especially excited to have P.E. and get to play dodgeball. But, he was glad to be done and be on summer break, school was really cramping his staying up late and sleeping in. Hunter has been on the road the past 2 weeks and has done good in Canada. He's been there since the 21st and Houston and I will be glad when he's out of there so we can talk to him again!! Thank God for WiFi!! It's almost time for the big 4th of July run and most of you know how important it is!! Hunter is currently sitting 3rd in the world but could boost himself with a good Cowboy Christmas! It seems crazy that the year is already half over! Thank you all for your prayers and support. It means so much to us!! Anyway Houston and I are planning to fly out around the 17th to go with Hunter, Shane and Cody so I'm sure I'll have lots of good stories for yall when we get back! Until then, God Bless!!

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