Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I'm back!!

Well Hello...It's been so long since I've had the time to get on here. School is winding down for me and I will get to graduate Thursday. I won't officially be completely through until August-ish! But I am so happy to where I am. It's been a rough year, full of alot of early mornings and long days, but I absolutly love what I'm doing. Houston and I haven't got to go on the road very much and it's been hard on us all. This is the first time in 5 years we haven't already been gone. This heat is about to croak us haha!! So ALOT has happened this past year, Houston finished his first year of school and loved it. He learned quite a bit and is ready to go back next year and be a kindergartener. He is especially excited to have P.E. and get to play dodgeball. But, he was glad to be done and be on summer break, school was really cramping his staying up late and sleeping in. Hunter has been on the road the past 2 weeks and has done good in Canada. He's been there since the 21st and Houston and I will be glad when he's out of there so we can talk to him again!! Thank God for WiFi!! It's almost time for the big 4th of July run and most of you know how important it is!! Hunter is currently sitting 3rd in the world but could boost himself with a good Cowboy Christmas! It seems crazy that the year is already half over! Thank you all for your prayers and support. It means so much to us!! Anyway Houston and I are planning to fly out around the 17th to go with Hunter, Shane and Cody so I'm sure I'll have lots of good stories for yall when we get back! Until then, God Bless!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


This week has been a good one for Hunter. He roped Sunday, Monday and Tuesday at RodeoHouston! He missed his first calf but came back on fire and won the next 2 rounds. He advances to the Semi-Finals and ropes Thursday night. If he makes it out of his set he will go straight to the finals on Saturday but if he doesn't he will have another chance on Friday night to get there! You guys keep your fingers crossed for him and tune in to watch at click on the RodeoHouston link. You can go watch the last three rounds by clicking on the "On Demand" link!!

Friday, February 10, 2012


Okay my computer has been on the fritz so I'm doing this from school! Rodeo has officially started back and Hunter been hot on the trail. He made the short round at Ft. Worth and ended up winning 5th. He just got home from San Angelo and is making it back for the progressive round. He was a few out of the money on his first one. He ropes at San Antonio on February 19 and 20th and Houston on March 11,12, and 13th. Houston went to San Angelo with Hunter and he was so excited to get to see all his friends!! Our good friends Clint, Robyn, and Calder Robinson were there and Houston was excited to tell me that Calder is walking now!! I can't believe I'm missing out on so much but nursing school is taking up quite a bit of my time! I love just about everything and I can't wait to get out there and figure out what I want to do! It's exciting but crazy hectic all at the same time! Houston and I are looking forward to spring break so that we can go a few places with Hunter. Speaking of school and Houston, he's doing really well in pre-k and learning alot. He comes home everynight signing a new song that he learned. We have T-ball sign-ups coming up this month. H can't hardly wait to get back in the game!! He's ready to WIN!! Anyway here are a few pictures I haven't had a chance to post since Vegas. There will be more to come as soon as I can get my computer at home working.


Rainforest Cafe' in the MGM

Me and H baby

Silly kid

Hunter and H signing autographs for Cinch!! And it's gameday...Go POKES!!

He was mad because Dakota and I were trying to take a picture together

He was so worn out one night he slept through the whole rodeo

Uncle Deke and H. This is how H prefers to travel

Becca, Deke and H, Dakota, Me, Hunter and Al

Me, H, Mom and Al

Free steak dinner at Hooter's! Al, Dakota, H, Sam, Me, Becca, Deacon, and Rachel

Had to take H to New York, New York to play "his" games

In the MGM limo, Al, Me, Becca, H, and Mom!! Go Hunter!!

H took this one

Another one of Houston's pictures. Claira, Sam, and Rachel


In front of the limo. Rachel, Sam, Me, Al, H, Mom, Becca, Claira, and Big Beezy

Me and Al in Thomas and Mack!!

Go Daddy!!!!!

H in his massive bubble bath! this was his morning and night ritual

This is small compared to what he liked to keep it! He would turn on the "jets" and get the bubbles as high as they would go

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 5

Well here we are...Day 5!! We are still looking for a first place finish but I have no doubt it's coming. In the meantime though we will keep taking what we can get! Hunter placed 4th last night and has two 6th place finishes. The first night wasn't how we wanted to start things off but I'm hoping we got all that out of the way and now we are ready to rock and roll!!! It's been a busy first weekend which is why you are just now hearing from me. And also I won't be able to upload any pictures until we get home, for some reason our service is back and forth between terrible and even worse. We'll just have to make do until then. Today Hunter is over at the arena for the EXCEPTIONAL Rodeo for all kinds of different kids. It's an amazing event and I'm so proud that Hunter participates in it. It will truely melt your heart seeing what it means to the kids. If you ever have the chance go watch or help volunteer, please do. You may change a life!! After that, he is signing autographs which he does pretty much everyday. Yesterday we went to Elevation Sunday, it was amazing. Dr James Dobson was the speaker and Clay Walker sang. Pretty awesome. The atmosphere is pretty electric and it's just cool to see how many people turn out to Praise God in town that's so busy!! Hopefully tonight we will be headed to the SouthPoint for the buckle presentation, make sure you tune into GAC to watch Hunter in Round 5!!!! God Bless yall

Monday, November 28, 2011

VIVA LAS VEGAS!!! Finally!

Well we've been counting down the days and it's finally so close we can taste it. Hunter and Deacon left Saturday and got to Las Vegas on Sunday afternoon. Houston and I fly out on Wednesday and were both so excited we can barely stand it. First things first I should mention the excitement we had a few days ago. On Thanksgiving Hunter always enters the ropin at Duncan. Houston and I usually eat lunch at my grandparents and then head over to watch a little later with my parents. Well I had to run back to the house and grab a few things, while I was there Hunter called and told me that he was just in a wreck! I flipped, I immediantly pictured the worst. He told me everyone was okay but that a man ran a stop sign and he hit them. He said all their air bags deployed and they had kids in the car. Plus Hunter was pulling a trailer with our horses in there. One of which was Hustler, who he is riding at Vegas. I ran out of the house and called my dad and we jumped in the car and headed straight to where Hunter was. The whole time my belly is just in knots and I was worried sick. We finally made it after what seemed like forever. It wasn't as bad as I had pictured in my head and everyone was fine, except the horses got rattled around quite a bit. Very scary though. And Hunter being a typical man was like well I can't believe you were so panicked. What woman doesn't immediantly jump to the worst possible scenario. Or maybe that's just me, I dunno. But we definatley had so much to be thankful for on Thanksgiving. Things could have been so much worse for everyone involved. After all that excitement we finally made it to the ropin, which didn't go like we wanted but that was okay. Now we are just waiting on Round 1. Praying it goes great!! I'll be trying to do a daily update with pictures so be sure to check back in for all the behind the scenes stuff!! Hope you guys are as excited as we are!! Tune in to GAC to watch Hunter everynight. God Bless

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Let the countdown begin

37 More DAYS until the NFR. Hope you guys are ready because I know we are. Make sure to get your shirt orders in by Sunday if you want to look cool in a Hunter Herrin shirt. We've had alot going on lately. Houston is still liking school and he lost his first tooth!!! I must say he looks even more onery now than he did before. And he's excited to wear his Superman costime to school on Firday for Halloween. School is going good for me as well. I'm really liking alot of the things I thought I wouldn't so I'd say that's a plus haha. Hunter has been to a few rodeos here and there and just left yesterday for the first tour rodeo of 2012 in Kansas City! It never ends! I haven't heard yet how it went but hopefully he'll start the new year off with a bang. This weekend we have our Circuit Finals in Weatherford, OK. He ropes Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon. Hope to see some of you guys there. Another big milestone has came and went. Houston turned FIVE YEARS OLD!! I cannot believe my baby is this old and big. Seems like it was just yesterday we were bringing him home. He had a superhero birthday party and had tons of fun! Before I know it I'll be carpooling him around to high school games and rodeos! So that's what we've been up to lately, alot of school and not enough fun!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hunter Herrin NFR Shirts!

Okay guys here are the new 2011 NFR shirts! They are safety green color and the lettering is a turquoise color! It looks really awesome and we are going to stand out for sure!!! If your going to order we need your money and sizes by October 30!!! They will not be taken after that day so don't miss out! My email address in and my mom's address is Send money to Pam Orf
PO Box 491 Apache, OK 73006 

Shirt Sizes

These are Safety Green
Short-sleeve t-shirt
Youth small- youth large 9.00
Adult small- XLarge 9.00    2XL 11.00    3XL 12.00    4XL 13.00    5XL 14.00
Long-sleeve t-shirt
Adult small- XLarge 13.00    2XL 15.00    3XL 16.00
Crewneck Sweatshirt
Adult small- XLarge 18.00    2XL 20.00    3XL 21.00
Adult small- XLarge 25.00    2XL 27.00    28.00

Okay since the only thing for kids is the safety green t-shirts we added a grey hoodie for kids. Same pattern just in grey. They are 25.00 and sizes are youth small- youth large!