Monday, July 6, 2009

Calgary or Bust

Hey guys, this will probably be our last post until next week sometime, we will be in Canada for a week and roaming is so dang expensive up there. Of course I will post when Hunter has won the whole thing!!!:)
Yesterday we roped at Prescott, we got there and the arena was about 3 feet of sticky mud. After trying to work it with big front end loaders they finally decided to turn the buckin horses out on it, and what do ya know it worked wonders! So an hour delay later Hunter ran his first one and won 4th. then in the perf he won the round with a 8.8, and the average also. RJ and Clint both didnt have such great luck there. On the way back to Clint's house we went over the hoover dam, and the new bridge theyre building ACROSS the top is looking pretty dang scary. But amazing nonetheless!!! We stopped just north of Vegas and ate at Houston's favorite chineese place, Kung Fu Panda a.k.a Panada Express!!! Anyway after a pretty short night, we got everything loaded and are now headed out. 900 miles away!!!
Hope all is well back home, we miss yall!!! lots of love, Hunter Ash and H

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