Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dont ever say what else, beacuase what else always bites you in the butt!

Hunter and I woke this morning before our alarm went off, which is unusual, got things loaded to hit the road and I thought to myself, this is the start to a great day!!
We loaded Cajun and Country in the trailer, and pulled out. Clint and Robyn pulled behind us and off we went. We didn’t make it 5 miles from Clint’s house and BOOM, Clint blew a back rear tire! Robyn said she rolled down the window and could hear air! My thinking on this though was well if it was going to happen, it’s a dang good thing it happened so close to town. They pulled in their tire shop and we went ahead because we needed to run a few errands. Well it wasn’t much farther up the road and RJ has a small incident, he had his cell phone plugged in and went to unplug it and the guts of that phone came right out. Talk about blowed…that RJ was some kind of hot!! So we find a Verizon store that is right across from the Walmart…Perfect!! Going to get 2 birds with one rock, plus there was a Super cuts in the Walmart, H was needing a hair cut badly. Maybe things are looking up. 2 hours later, we had groceries, H was looking good with his new cut, RJ didn’t get a new phone but they were going to send it to Calgary for him. Great!
We got back on the road and watched a couple of movies while Hunter drove and RJ slept, I kept thinking maybe H would get a nap in but no such luck there. All of a sudden H turns and looks at us and starts crying saying his butt hurt, great…he’s constipated again but he streaked his undies first. So we pull over, make him set on the pot for a few minutes, get everything cleaned up and get back on the road. All be danged if he doesn’t do the same thing again but Hunter and I have a plan this time, we pulled over at the nearest truck stop and bought us a bag of nuts (for those of you that don’t know H is allergic to nuts and will blow his pants apart with diarrhea…im not exaggerating) anyway I get him set down on the toilet, give him 2 nuts to eat and stood back to wait. Like clockwork it was less than 3 minutes and H was a new man. H and I decided we’d ride in the trailer because he was bouncing off the walls. We were 15 miles from Butte, MT and we pull over abruptly.
Me and H climb out and the wind was a little crisp so we went back in and got our hoodies on and then stepped down to see what was going on. We get to the front of the truck and Hunter said we were leaking some oil. It looked like someone had put a small bomb in the oil pan and set it off. Oil was running out of the grill and was running down the hill we were parked on. Were scrambling trying to get a plan because we are needing to be in Calgary by morning. As the guys are yelling and kicking, me and H are walking around assessing the damage, that’s when I notice under the nose where the jack and propane tanks are is pretty black. We slowly step around to the left side of the rig, our dirty, but shiny silver and white trailer is now black!! My mouth drops completely to the ground!!!
About that time RJ walked around and cocks his head to look at the left tire on the trailer (this is the tire directly in front of the one that caught on fire) and decided to give it a kick, sure enough it wobbles and is just miles from rolling off and passing us down the interstate. Wow! Finally our tow truck arrives to save the day. They get RJ’s truck hooked up and then hook our trailer minus a wheel up to another truck. We start off towards town where and Clint and Robyn have turned around, driven back an hour and a half and are now waiting for us. Thank God for good friends!!! We threw what clean clothes we had into Clint and Robyn’s rig and headed back out again. It’s now 1030 and were still a good 7 hours from there!!
Of course all of this is on top of the tire we’ve already had catch on fire, the slightly bent axel due to a dead deer hitting it, and our two trailer doors that have a tendency to jam up or swing wide open at any given moment, oh and RJ’s truck has a blown shock or something so when we hit a bump it sounds like rough metal on metal!! But the upside is Hunter had finally moved up in the standings and is roping like his old self. Thank you all for your many prayers. They work!! But keep em coming our way!! Hopefully by the end of the week I’m able to say we’ve got a little more money in the bank!! Love you guys!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm laughing out loud or as Alex would say LMAO. It's not too funny if it's you it's happening to but reading it is too funny. The adventures of the rodeo rode can be hilarious. We miss you guys. As always all our love! Give H our kisses.
